Circumambulating Tulasi Devi accompanied by Melodious Kirtan


Maha Tulasi Puja Report 2007



Vancouver BC: May 26 2007
The Vancouver Hare Krishna temple which is noted for it's wonderful Tulasi plants held it's second annual Maha Tulasi Puja Festival on Saturday May 26th.

The evening was inaugurated with the first arati to Srimati Tulasi devi followed by an arati to Vancouver's presiding Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohan.

Special visiting guest, His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami gave a wonderful discourse on Tulasi devi while sitting on the asana surrounded by a forest of Tulasi plants.

A live theatrical production of the pastime of Mrgari the Hunter who was transformed from vicious cruel hunter to a saint by worshiping the tulasi plant and chanting Hare Krishna delighted the audience.

The Maha Tulasi Puja Arati wherein simultaneously four aratis were offered to Tulsi was the highlight of the evening. As ecstatic kritan resounded in the temple while hundreds of guests circumambulated Srimati Tulasi Devi while singing and dancing.

Throughout the evening a sumptuous fest of Krishna Prasadam was distributed to an estimated 1,000 festival attendees.

Judging by the large smiles on everyone's face and the numberous positive feedback from many of the guests it appeared that this year's Maha Tulasi Puja festival was a grand success. Hare Krishna!




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Vancouver's Tulasi plants were featured in the March April 2006 issue of Back to Godhead magazine.

To read this Back To Godhead article "Serving Krishna by Serving Tulasi" online from the BTG Web Site click here.