

recited in Hindi by:

His Holiness Radha Govinda Swami


a disciple of


His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami

Srila Pabhupada

The founder Acharya of the

International Society for Krishna Consciousness



Tentative Schedule

Monday June 23rd - Saturday June 28th
6:30 PM

*Bhagavat Katha*


Sunday June 29th 6:00 PM

Sunday Feast Lecture



*In Hindi with English Translator*


Further information please contact:

Anadi Govinda Das

604-913-1844   604-771-2791


His Holiness Radha Govinda Swami


Radha Govinda Maharaja is a resident of Sri Vrndavan Dham, (India) and a most renowned and excellent narrator of Srimad Bhagavatam.


His Holiness

has been conducting

 Bhagavat Katha in various countries around the world including Europe, Africa, Asia, America, and Canada